dijous, 26 d’octubre del 2017


No, I don't know what will happen in Catalonia. But reading this pieces might help to gain a better perspective:

- Christian Caryl, "The great Catalonian cyberwar of 2017" (The Washington Post, 18-X-17)

- Suso de Toro, "No, Spain is not a democracy" (Ara, 19-X-17) > versió en català

- José Buscaglia, "King Felipe should abdicate to solve Spain's Constitutional crisis"(Newsweek,20-X-17)

- Craig Murray, "Banning Democracy in Catalonia" (21-X-17)

- Paul Mason, "Catalonia, Lombardy, Scotland … why the fight for self-determination now?" (The Guardian, 23-X-17)

- Josep M. Fradera, Xosé Manuel Núñez Seixas, José Mª Portillo, "El futuro se conquista cada día" (El País, 23-X-17)

- "Un centenar de intelectuales andaluces se desmarcan de Díaz y piden referéndum en Catalunya" (Público, 24-X-17)

And please: before accepting we Catalans like to "fabricate" fake news, have a look at this database with 132 videos showing how police acted on the first of October.

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